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Welcome to FOR Greyhounds
Hi Everyone –
Please take a few moments to read this note.It is very important.
Did you know that over 60% of Greyhounds are universal blood donors? Greyhounds as a breed are the most important blood donor dogs out there. They have a higher number of red blood cells and can carry more oxygen in their blood than other breeds and combined with the fact that they are universal donors – many veterinary hospitals use them as blood donors.
FOR Greyhounds has been working with the CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital, which trains new veterinarians, for the past year to supply the needed blood. They are currently in need of more volunteer blood donors. We would be delighted if you would be willing to allow your dog(s) to help save lives.
How the program works: You must take your dog(s) in for blood typing, a health screening and also blood tests for infectious diseases. For your dog to pass he or she must be blood type A-, be in general good health and have no infectious diseases. If your dog passes, he or she becomes a blood donor and must return to the hospital for about 30 minutes six times a year to donate blood. You can be present with your dog the entire time, and no sedation is needed while they donate. You also receive a free 30-40lb bag of dog food at each donation, for each dog that donates.
The dogs must be at least 60 pounds, between the ages of 1-10years and you have to be willing to commit to at least a year of blood donation as the screening process costs the hospital about $400 for each dog.
Both of my dogs have been blood donors for the last year and have loved it! They love going to the hospital and seeing everyone. They have had no ill side effects from donating and it is great to know that they are happy and healthy – at no cost to me!
PLEASE – consider allowing the hospital to draw and use your dog’s blood. It is a great program and Greyhounds have a unique ability to help save lives.
If you are interested in making an appointment – please call Maura Green at (970) 221-4535. She will set an appointment with you to bring your dog(s) in.
Thank you in advance for your help – and thank you from all of the dogs that will benefit from your generosity.
Amy Afek
Past President, FOR Greyhounds